Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hartford: Feng Asian Bistro

Type: Japanese
Address: 93 Asylum Street, Hartford, Connecticut, 06103 Map
Phone: (860) 549-5118[FENG]
Price: Casual dining
Tasty gauge: 7.8
Service rating: 9.1/10
Environment rating: 9.1/10

Treat before dinner

Thanks to Hilton Hartford, I got some surprises at the Manager's reception tonighit, and that is Basiron Pesto. Basiron Pesto is a grass-coloured Dutch Gouda with added Pesto which gives it a deep green colour. It was definitely good stuff. I also had the Harpoon IPA on tap with it, which is quite a treat after a long work day.



The best way to start a night

沒有什麼比 uni shooter 更加好。這裡的 uni shooter 調味有一點酸﹐台長略厭酒味不足﹐但還算是蠻不錯的。之後台長點了 Kumamoto oysters﹐還可以﹐不算很新鮮。不竟這裡是 Hartford﹐找到日本菜已經算走運了。


主菜先來一個 Edamame soup, cream based with chopped garlic and edamame。 跟上是台長慣常愛吃的 sushi。 這一來就確實分出高下。 蛋有點過冷﹐蝦不夠大﹐魚也不夠新鮮。沒辦法﹐這不是多日本人聚居的地方。

生日快樂. [+]