Il Fornello Type: Italian Address: 8851 Yonge St., Richmond Hill (Yonge & N of Highway 7) Map Phone: (905) 530-1153 E-mail richmondhill@ilfornello.com Hours: Mon-Sun: Open at 11:30am, weekday buffet lunch, 11:30-3:00pm [$11.95 + taxes], weekend buffet brunch: 11:30am-3:00pm [$14.95 + taxes] Menu Payment: Cash, debit, credit Price: Casual dinning [$15-25/person excluding drinks] Tasty gauge: 7.6/10 Service rating: 7.2/10 [叉﹑麵包﹑olive oil/bread vinegar都要叫先拿來﹐d flatbread 硬o左咬唔開又無compensate or say sorry] Environment rating: 7.9/10 [舒適﹐不過有d嘈] |
 Il Fornello環境算不錯的﹐不過始終是 causal dinning restaurant﹐有點嘈吵﹐但座位總算舒適。
 坐下良久﹐冰水來了﹐麵包卻沒來。到小吃來了之後﹐麵包還是沒來﹐也沒有叉子。結果我們要召侍應拿麵包和叉子來。麵包和叉子來時﹐竟然又沒有 olive oil 和 vinegar﹐暈倒。結果她又要再走一轉。好了﹐這次可以吃了。
小吃我們點了 Smoked salmon and chèvre plate [With warm multigrain flatbread, capers, and marinated red onions]. 煙三文魚很大片﹐chèvre 也很香濃﹐capers, marinated red onions 都合格了﹐但為什麼。。。這個 multigrain flatbread。。。 咬不下去? 再次昏倒。叫了侍應過來﹐告訴她flatbread不新鮮﹐她竟然還說是剛做好的﹐又昏倒。我只好叫她拿回去﹐請師傅嘗嘗。盤子拿回去後﹐便再沒有回來了。
 沙拉點了 Pear, arugula, and gorgonzola [Organic arugula, endive walnuts, pears and castello gorgonzola with a champagne vinaigrette]. 意大利麵則點了穩穩陣陣的 Penne capri [Grilled chicken, wood-fire roasted mushrooms, spinach, tomato, finished with lemon garlic olive oil, shaved grana padano]. 沙拉很好吃﹐arugula很新鮮﹐配上champagne vinaigrett吃起來感覺便更清新。Castello gorgonzola也是上好的芝士﹐而這次麵包也合格了。意大利麵有很多shaved grana padano﹐不喜歡芝士的朋友要小心。木炭燒雞跟蘑菇都很有炭燒感﹐lemon garlic olive oil也夠香。好吃!
 最後﹐感謝上天可能知道我難過﹐竟然神奇地讓我今天晚上用 Sony 積分訂到一副自 boxing day 以來便完全斷市的 W series wearable mp3 walkman﹐而且還是白色的。神奇之處在於﹐它由25日晚上起五種顏色都完全斷市﹐我一直回來看都依然是沒有貨。27號後我也開始放棄了便沒有再回來看。今天晚上悶悶不樂﹐無聊之間便進去看看﹐我唯一會考慮的粉紅色和白色竟然有貨﹐二話不說我便立刻訂購。當我再次回看網頁時﹐兩種顏色 add to cart 的按鈕竟然瞬間又已變回 out of stock。由於我是 Sony Style 的 registered member﹐所以訂購時除了 log on 之外其他資料都不用再填寫﹐前後應該不超過三分鍾的時間﹐確實很神奇啊。謝主隆恩。
從此以後便是一個 missed proposal 的烙印。
這樣的事其實沒什麼。 我們在大海汪洋中﹐其實也沒什麼。
Inakaya 田舎家 Type: Japanese Address: 126 Willowdale Avenue, North York (N of Sheppard) Map Phone: (416) 224-8881 Hours: Closes at 11pm Payment: Cash, debit, credit Price: Feeling generous [$35-70/person excluding drinks] Tasty gauge: 8.3/10 Service rating: 7.2/10 [只有兩個waitresses﹐雖然招呼很好﹐卻長久等待] Environment rating: 7.4/10 [座位很窄﹐小心樓底下的四人桌﹐夏天時空調吹不進去] |
 吃飯前﹐我們點了小吃。有 Maguro Yamakake﹐Salmon Tataki﹐和 Beef robatayaki [爐端燒牛肉]. Salmon Tataki是出奇的讚吃﹐台長覺得這該是全晚最好吃的。從肉質﹐溫度﹐口感﹐到醬汁也做得很好。醬汁是帶一點酸味的﹐沾上三文魚有點像沾了檸檬汁的作用。三文魚片的邊燒得剛剛好﹐是很出色的tataki!
 之後我們點了一些素吃﹐有 Agedashi tofu 和兩款素食卷。

如果你常來讀blog﹐那麼你一定知道每次來到日本餐店﹐台長是絕對不會錯過點甜蝦﹑蛋﹑和帶子壽司的。Inakaya的蛋做得比較實﹐比起Tokyo Kitchen的半糖心蛋口感是完全不一樣﹐做法也不一樣。Inakaya的飯是夾在蛋的中央。喜歡那樣則是見人見致。蝦和帶子卻都比較小只﹐蝦還要打雙上才勉強可以"見人"。 熱火山卷 [Volcano roll]

既然是Inakaya﹐怎樣也沒可能只serve那樣的壽司。台長決定多給它一個機會﹐追加了熱火山卷。 熱火山卷果然名不虛傳。Presentation相當不錯。至於好不好吃﹐就要看看你愛不愛牛油。熱火山卷的牛肉帶有燒香了的牛油味﹐愛吃肥的台長當然喜歡﹐台長的朋友卻稍嫌味濃。
鲑魚茶泡飯 Salmon Ochazuke

12.30.2009. 會過去的。
今天晚上﹐去了看G.E.M.的演唱會。 去看﹐是因為對她的live有信心。 果然沒有失望。 她的live﹐真的很有energy。 唱的歌不多﹐不能說交足貨﹐但卻足夠showcase了她的實力。 唯一失望的是唱18無彈住琴唱﹐但唱了Whitney Houston 的 I'll always love you是個驚喜。掂! 想聽的 A.I.N.Y.﹐Where did you go 也有唱。Mascara 唱了國語版﹐自彈自唱﹐正。
Type: Reads 邊食邊讀Online shopping 都要等?Name: Best BuyI must say, bestbuy.ca has just started my boxing day shopping with the most halirious experience. I was in the middle of blogging Inakaya while I realize it's 8pm and bestbuy.ca Christmas online sale event has just started. Had something in mind that I wanted to buy, I quickly switched to the bestbuy.ca site thinking it's going to be a 5 minutes process. This, turned out to be something that took me more than half an hour, because... I was waiting in line in an online checkout waiting room!Not only that, with it's flicky script, it actually also returned a blank page to me after it asked me to log on to my account after the wait. Being caught by a blank page, I had no choice but to click on checkout again. And of course, this forced me to wait "in line" for a second time. Sigh.As an usability analyst, I was just shocked to see something like this being built while me and my team struggle everyday at work analyzing data and building logistics and scripts sometimes just to save a few milliseconds or so to make a web application load faster. Instead, bestbuy.ca took the effort to build an online waiting room to force their shoppers to compulsorily wait 5-15e minutes before they can even proceed with an order. This gives their shoppers more than enough time to change their mind or to compare prices on other websites. Not only that they now have to be that confident with their offering prices, the reality is, they could have saved every shopper from this wait simply by hosting a few more servers or spending the effort on making their inventory checking logistic more efficient.If sales rate is high at bestbuy.ca for this online boxing day sale event, maybe it's time for us to reconsider the impact of slowing loading applications versus online shoppers retention. Haha.In any case, Merry Christmas everyone! 台長平安夜在家裡與1Q84平安約會﹐祝大家聖誕快樂﹐珍惜眼前人。11:00pm: It's now 3 hours past their 8pm online sale opening and sales rate is still very very low. Everything has large quantities left, so maybe I can still keep my UA job. LoL. I gotta look up who's the IT manager behind this 'checkout waiting room' idea. Heh.曾經千想萬想﹐在你12月30日生辰向你求婚時﹐要唱什麼歌才最能表達我的心意。那時候挑了這個。。。但現在已經不再至少還有你。至少還有你 作詞:林夕 作曲:Davy Chan 編曲:劉志遠
我怕來不及 我要抱著你 直到感覺你的皺紋 有了歲月的痕跡
直到肯定你是真的 直到失去力氣 為了你 我願意
動也不能動 也要看著你 直到感覺你的髮線 有了白雪的痕跡
直到視線變得模糊 直到不能呼吸 讓我們 形影不離
如果 全世界我也可以放棄 至少還有你 值得我去珍惜
而你在這裡 就是生命的奇蹟
也許 全世界我也可以忘記 就是不願意 失去你的消息
你掌心的痣 我總記得在那裡
我們好不容易 我們身不由己
我怕時間太快 不夠將你看仔細
我怕時間太慢 日夜擔心失去你
恨不得一夜之間白頭 永不分離
平安夜﹐without you, 我那裡都不去。
k, 聖誕快樂。
明治巧克力, Sapporo玉米泡夫﹐珍珍薯片 [Meiji Chocolates, Sapporo Corn Puffs, Jack'n Jill Potato Chips]Type: Snacks 雜食Price: 看圖識字新貨上架    1Q84 [Haruki Murakami]
It's only a paper moon [Billy Rose/Harold Arlen/E. Y. Harburg] I never feel a thing is real
When I'm away from you
Out of your embrace
The world's a temporary parking place
Mmm A bubble for a minute
Mmm You smile, the bubble has a rainbow in it
Say, it's only a paper moon
Sailing over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Yes, it's only a canvas sky
Hanging over a muslin tree
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
Without your love
It's a honky-tonk parade
Without your love
It's a melody played in a penny arcade
It's a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phoney as it can be
But it wouldn't be make-believe
If you believed in me
I'm starting to miss the old days.
When I can just fall dead asleep with anyone in my arms.
The days when I never knew what I liked.
The days when I never knew what I wanted.
The days when anyone at all just looked so perfect.
The days, before I met you.
I was as shallow as I possibly can be.
But at least my eyes never rolled wide open til' the morning.
I cannot say I don't know how you did it,
'Coz for 10 years I did the exact same thing myself.
I miss the old days, but do I prefer turning the clock back?
Did I make it that easy for you to walk right in and out, of my life? [A Fine Frenzy] Everytime when I think about you,
everytime when I have the urge to call you,
I only have one remedy.
And that is,
I'll recall the conversation we had,
"Everything is good with her?"
"Yup =)!"
And let my heart bleed until it's all drained.
And yes,
that's my only remedy.
Then I'll refrain from calling.
竹橋拉麵屋 Type: Japanese
Address: 505 Highway 7 East, Unit 65-66, Thornhill (Commerce Gate) Map
Phone: (905) 707-0288
Price: Casual saver [$10-15/person]
Tasty gauge: 4.7/10
Service rating: 7.1/10 |
台長平時都好仁慈o下。。。估唔到今次要對自己一向食o左好多年o既竹橋拉麵屋開刀。但係為o左要客觀忠實﹐都真係無辦法。竹橋拉麵屋近年實在係每況越下﹐麵質越來越差不特只﹐今次真係嚇親台長。無蛋?事源台長每次o黎都係食小樽牛油麵豉拉麵。今日侍應竟然夠膽死話無蛋﹐要後上。本來都無乜所謂o既台長話ok﹐點知﹐蛋上o既時候。。。 竟然係。。。o甘樣?
結果﹐台長連再叫炸雪糕o既心情都無埋﹐食完拉麵就唯有去o左第度食甜品。 希望有一日舊時o既竹橋會翻生啦!
It's been a hundred days.
I spent my night seeing the Nutcracker in downtown.
Saw a big Christmas tree at Philip Nathans.
And how's your night?
It's going to be a Christmas without K.
Just another Christmas without you, for some very different reasons.
Hope you're well tonight. Stay warm. My whole world has been turned upside down.
Do you know why?
'Coz I let you.
I approved all the damages.
And yes, you didn't do a single thing.
You didn't.
You didn't do any of these damages.
I did. 記得你常對我說﹐Jessica很美。
"幹嘛說我的朋友不美? 我第一眼便覺得她好美啊!"
溝通真的是這麼困難嗎。 我很愛你﹐真的是那麼難表達嗎。
真東北餃子館 Chinese Dumpling House Type: Chinese
Address: 505 Highway 7 East, Unit 89-90, Thornhill (Commerce Gate) Map
Phone: (905) 881-1238
Price: Casual saver [$10-15/person]
Tasty gauge: 8.1/10
Service rating: 8.4/10 [Served by 阿凡] |
 真東北餃子館終於在城北開了分店! 新店當然是比舊寬趟舒適。燈光充足還有卡位﹐少了舊店那種懷舊風情。
餃子  來到這裡當然少不了點餃子。這晚我們點了香菇雞肉蒸餃﹐十五只才$4.99。新點的餃子還是即叫即做。老闆說是從舊店調了兩位師傅過來﹐所以質量是一樣的。台長卻覺得新點的香菇比較大只一點點﹐可能是新店開張﹐所以質量也較好。
城北的朋友﹐以後要吃價廉物美的餃子﹐不用跑那麼遠了! 都快一百天了﹐幹嗎該死的還是每晚夢見你﹐幹嗎該死的還是眼還沒睜開便想起你。幹嗎更加該死的是你那些問著古怪無聊問題的電郵﹐和那從不會回覆的一聲謝。 Alexandra Burke [Hallelujah] Written by: Leonard Cohen
I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do ya?
Well it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
It's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not someone who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
I did my best it wasn't much
I couldn't feel so I tried to touch
I told the truth I didn't come to fool ya
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of song
With nothing on my toung but Hallelujah
You told me that it was all okay
That this would all be over one day
But you don't really know that do ya
So tis' what you get for lying
The pain is what's meant to hurt
So don't go saying I broke your heart when you did
For lust. For LOVE.
Type: Toys/Reads 邊食邊玩/邊食邊讀Date: Nov 26-Dec 6Venue: Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place, 100 Princes Blvd., TorontoHours: Weekdays 11am-10pm, Saturdays 10am-9pm, Sundays 10am-6pm今次真係blog遲o左﹐One of a Kind Christmas Show 2009 已經正式完結。當晚台長因工作延誤無法逛畢整個會場﹐在此分享一下一些有趣的所見所聞﹐大家至少可以翻查網頁。 台長至愛包括下列參展者:
K﹐ 你常常都說你是 One of a Kind﹐跟你逛這個show﹐也是 once in a life time。
今年我去了﹐沒有你。買了你愛吃的 lemon short bread﹐三夥鈕釦磁石給自己﹐三夥鈕釦磁石給朋友﹐也買了作年沒買的機械人匙扣。走過 Monster Factory﹐卻沒看到想買的。很晚才去﹐被 Irving 拖遲了。這次真的是跟 Irving 告別了。明天早上五時跑個程式 clickfil.com 客戶網頁便正式啟用﹐市民便可以在網上二十四小時查詢帳戶資料。已經記不起自己做過多少個這樣的網站。但我會記得 Clickfil 的﹐那是你跟我一起走過的日子。
上次素魚生菜館的 review﹐寄了一份給 blogTO.com﹐在等待最後審批﹐第一次提交公開食評﹐很緊張。已收到 Tim Shore 的審核回覆﹐在整理相片。希望遲些再多寫幾篇之後可以成為他們的正式食評人。天氣轉涼﹐你要保重。
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