Copper Blues Bar & Grill Type: American Address: Grand Georgian, Unit 3, 156 Jozo Weider Blvd., Collingwood, Ontario (Blue Mountain Village) Map Phone: (705) 446-2643
Hours: Open daily from 11 am Price: Casual dining [$25 excluding drinks] Tasty gauge: 7.2/10 Service rating: 7.4/10
今年﹐Blue Mountain Village 在 Oct 22 - Dec 3 舉辦了 Fallicious。適逢朋友準新娘派對的遙請﹐我們一行五人來到 Blue Mountain Resorts 兩天﹐吃吃喝喝﹐慶祝一番。 晚上﹐我們挑了 Copper Blues Bar and Grills, 試試它的$23 Fallicious menu。 餐店內觀﹐ 和從餐桌看到的外街 我挑了它的 Surf n' Turf, 8 oz. NY Strip, char grilled to perfection, topped with a 1/2 lobster stuffed with shrimp and scallops St. Jacques, served with fresh vegetables and potatoes. 主菜來前﹐侍應為我們送來了麵包。 麵包上黑色的最初看起來以為是巧克力漿﹐吃下去才發現原來是 balsamic vinaigrette reduction 跟 olive oil﹐味道很不錯。 至於主菜盤﹐看上去是還可以的。牛排肉質很味道是可以接受﹐龍蝦則有點煮過頭了﹐肉太老。薯蓉則是一般﹐有點太水汪汪的感覺。怎麼說﹐是一頓跟價錢相稱的晚餐囉。 o甘仲有咩食呀?  除此之外﹐反而想推介一下的是 Royal Majesty Espresso Bar Bakery。那裡提供多種類咖啡和有機冷熱茶飲﹐也有多款甜餅麵包和三明治。我嘗了很喜愛的 London Fog 和 它的 Croque Monsieur [maple smoked ham & brie on cheddar topped toasted marble rye with mayo]。Croque Monsieur 是即叫即做 [相片裡的女廚師就是正在做我的三明治]。拿出來時烘得熱騰騰的﹐半脆半軟﹐加上放在面頭溶掉了的芝士﹐口感剛剛好。餐店雖小﹐但感覺很寬趟﹐很舒適。唯一不讚的是整個 Blue Mountain 也沒有免費的 wifi connection﹐就連 Starbucks 也沒有。。。要不在這裡﹐絕對可以悠悠閑閑的坐上幾個小時! The Village 來到這裡﹐當然也要順道介紹一下 Blue Mountain Village。  我們住的是 Mosaic三房兩廳的套房。房間很舒適很舒適﹐還有暖暖的 fire place! 最大的不便依然是沒有免費的 internet, 無論 wifi 或 wired 的也沒有。你可以選擇付費﹐ 13塊錢一天。但既然是來渡假的﹐沒有wireless 便沒有吧! 我們在出動去 bar hopping 之前﹐弄了 pink soho [soho + 7 + cranberry juice + cranberries]。  這裡有幾間 bar 晚上也有上圖所見的這種 firepit﹐旁邊可以放飲料。至於 bar hopping 的相片嘛。。。就不要放在這裡了。  早上起來﹐偉大的表妹為我們弄了早餐!!! Thanks Tania for all the cooking. 不單有蛋﹐橙汁牛奶咖啡﹐最厲害的是有新鮮用麵粉雞蛋焗製的曲奇餅和煎班戟。。。厲害的功架﹐味道還很讚! People say Chinese can't bake, and I'm definitely part of the shame, for I certainly can cook all kinds of food but I definitely can't bake! Well, at least for now. I should try to pick it up someday, both baking and making desserts.  還沒有下雪的 Blue Mountain Village 跟滑雪季節時的感覺很不同。早上出外走的時候感覺很和暖充滿陽光氣息。  一路走的時候﹐還遇見可愛的小孩子。你看﹐一邊廂是整整齊齊的棋盤﹐另一邊廂則見証了小坦克的殺傷力。無論如何﹐他們很可愛。看著他們把棋子搬來搬去﹐我笑了。  Blue Mountain Village﹐主要都是室外商店和餐室。朋友去了做 spa﹐還好這裡還有我忠心的朋友﹐you always got a friend no matter where you go, Starbucks! 只是。。。這次它是半冒牌﹐我問那裡的職員為什麼這個 Starbucks 沒有 Bell Hotspot﹐她的答案是, 'We're not part of the corporate Starbucks.' Exact wordings. Okay, whatever it means... hm. 八十天﹐坐在 Starbucks 聽著G.E.M.的 A.I.N.Y﹐哭了﹐幹嗎哭了﹐幹嗎還在哭﹐眼淚那裡來。  在商店看到你可能會喜歡的東西﹐是一件 T-shirt 和 Oreo key holder 叫 cookeys。Cookeys 在 Jinger 找到﹐店內還有許多其他有趣的東西﹐我也買了一點聖誕禮物給朋友。 
Glitter in the air - Pink [+] |
JW, Thanks for all those things you said that very long night. And Thanks for emphasizing a million times that you weren't drunk when you said those things, and the follow up e-mail just to confirm that... it really meant a lot to me. You said it before I even said a single word. We never chatted too much but you saw it all through, don't quite know how you did it but you did, and I really really appreciate it. It doesn't matter how much effort you spend if people interpret whatever you do as out of bad intentions. You broke me with the exact and only things that I was always appreciated for all my life, the tough face I put up against the church for a purpose, my realness, my trustworthiness, my honesty, my sincerity, my generosity. What's there left in me as a person if I don't even have these things in me anymore? And at the end of the day, I'm just longing for you to come to understand me. A person is always black until you come to feel compassionate about their stories, everyone is white if you take enough time to get to know them. If someone can't appreciate what you do, it doesn't matter how much you do, because no matter how much you do, they won't realize it, they won't recognize it, so it'll never be enough. It's not because you don't live up to their standards, but you'll never be able to hit any check marks on their checklist, because they don't see it, you'll just always be deficient in their eyes. When I am cooking, I can't be making drinks. When I'm making drinks, I can't be cleaning up, when I'm cleaning up, I can't be spending quality time chatting with you, when I'm spending time chatting with you, I can't be playing music. At the end of the day, there's only one me, and I can only do so much. I'm just incapable, and neither anyone is. You need 4 maids, I'm only one, tho' you said you never needed any. I admired you everything, appreciated everything you did, and still do, and will always be.
I know I'm a far from perfect bf, but I'll always believe in you.
You'll always be p.e.r.f.e.c.t in my eyes. Blind, unconditional. It breaks my heart that 'It wasn't for my good hence I want to know.' alone, said so much. I'm surprised at how capable a person I have became. Probably 95% of the world won't understand a single thing about what I'm doing right now, but I must say, I know, by heart, I've become a much better person than I was before and I must go through these things to recap my mental sanity after all these years. 那天我堆砌在臉上之後從沒再這樣燦爛過的笑容﹐是我滴著最斗大的血抱著最大的勇氣和沒保留的愛墮進溶岩烈漿之前最後一件能為你做的事。你給我衝著帶有同樣爆炸力的笑容﹐我不知道你的感覺﹐但我的血脈沸騰﹐時間真空了﹐空氣止住了。那是我這輩子最甜﹐最幸福﹐最快樂﹐最苦﹐最酸﹐也最心寒﹐最抖顫的一刻。 因為我知道﹐從此。 G.E.M. A.I.N.Y. 曲:Lupo Groinig, G.E.M. 詞:G.E.M. 編曲/監製:Lupo Groing 分開以後每個夜晚 格外的寂靜
滴答滴答 剩大鐘在陪着我回憶
現在只有空氣 冷漠地回應
OH 給你我的心 能否請你別遺棄
一句愛你愛你愛你愛你 能否再也不分離
OH 給你我的心 爲什麽你卻給了我孤寂
就算愛你愛你愛你愛你 可能你也不想聼
你的擁抱曾經是 最溫暖最熟悉
現在一劃一筆 刺在我心裡
回憶 對你最後的回憶
是你 慢慢走遠的身影
然後你 離開了沒有痕跡
然後我 崩潰了放縱哭泣
現在一劃一筆 刺在我心裡 還是愛你愛你愛你愛你 難道還不能清醒 Rap: Your confession remains to be my final pleading, but the only thing that’s here with me is tic tac tic tac tic tac tic 但是你跟我一起不快樂。
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