Kenzo Ramen Type: Japanese Address: 6180 Yonge Street (south of Steeles) Map
Phone: (416) 229-4526
Hours: 11am - 10pm daily
Price: Casual saver [$15-20/person excluding drinks]
Tasty gauge: 7.9/10 [casual meal] Service rating: 7.8/10 [Ok啦] |

食麵前﹐我們先嘗了 tonkatsu [炸豬扒] 和 tacoyaki [章魚丸]。 章魚丸的presentation 非常漂亮。吃起來卻有點覺得它太軟﹐有點太爆漿的感覺。章魚肉也不太夠﹐所以沒有太香濃的章魚味。炸豬扒則合乎標準。

台長嘗了 karashi ramen﹐是左圖用karashi sauce做的辣湯底拉麵。Kenzo的麵質當然是不容置疑﹐karashi sauce做的辣湯底也相當不俗。至於日式叉燒﹐肥瘦適中﹐肉質乾濕度也適中。
It's a different battle starting today.
Rubik's back, at the growth rate of 3cm cube/month.
And God always knows best.
I wouldn't have known, but He who knows it all always does.
I couldn't possibly have asked you to walk down this path with me.
It'll be way too much for you. For your work, for your life, for the things you wanted, for your personality.
I want you to have all the things you deserve and wanted for your life, and this burden so shouldn't be part of it.
So yeah, decided as is, I'm walking down this path myself. And firmly believe it is the best for you.I wished you were here, but am happy you're not.
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