Mezzetta Café restaurant Type: Spanish [Tapas] Address: 681 St. Clair Avenue West (St. Clair W. / Christie) Map Phone: (416) 658-5687 Hours: Monday - Friday 12:00 pm-2:30pm, 5:00pm until closed Price: Casual spender [$3 per dish, ~20$/person excluding drinks] Tasty gauge: 7.8/10 [casual meal] Service rating: 9.5/10 [讚!] |

來到Mezzetta﹐是因為生日的朋友說很想嘗嘗Tapas是什麼東東。車子停在餐店門口﹐期待了老半天的朋友卻有點欲言又止。後來說起原來是有點'有無搞錯﹐間o野o甘up dup o既?'的感覺。走進餐點﹐看到朋友微笑了﹐我才也舒了口氣。餐點內裡雖小卻不狹﹐很和暖很cozy的感覺。二人四人的餐桌都五臟俱全。我們挑了張四人的餐桌坐下﹐因為吃Tapas多小盤子﹐食物比較好放。

Mezzetta的Tapas很簡單﹐就是單單按點盤子的數量收費﹐盤子都沒有個別訂價。盤子收費以每五盤的倍數為計算單位﹐譬如說﹐你點10盤小菜﹐所收費用就是30元正。Mezzetta的recommendation是一個人最少點五盤小菜。台長也覺得相當合宜﹐但當然食量因人而異。然後下一步就是在menu上把想點的盤子號碼寫下來﹐點菜過程變完成了。Tapas一般來說都配一點喝的﹐是晚朋友選來Sangria。起菜前﹐侍應會先送上pita bread﹐配上一點甜甜酸酸的拌菜醬料。

4. Evergreen salad - A mix of mesclun greens, spinach, baby lettuce, endive, radicchio, topped with walnuts and a light red wine vinaigrette
5. Red goat - Creamy feta, tomato, sliced red onion, green and kalamata olives
13. Baby ganoush - A delicious puree of smokey flame-roasted eggplant, with tahina, robust with flavour
26. Sultan's stew - An exotic stew of sautéed and spiced eggplant, zuccini, tomato, green and red bell peppers, and onion
27. Potato sambousak - Potato and onion puree wrapped in puff pastry, three pieces dressed with mezziki
45. Lamb shish - Savoury chunks of marinated lamb leg, flame-grilled, 2 skewers
47. Veal shish - Tender chunks of marinated veal shoulder, flame-grilled, 2 skewers
50. Smoked sally - Home-smoked pink salmon on crisp lettuce with a sesame mustard dressing
51. Fish shish - Tasty marinated Martin or Swordfish, flame-grilled, 2 skewers
61. Potato moussaka - Potato slices layered with minced beef, and covered with a potato sauce puree and topped with sliced tomato and spices

看圖識字﹐我們10個小菜以Mezze for 2來計算﹐30元正。