Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hartford: Feng Asian Bistro

Type: Japanese
Address: 93 Asylum Street, Hartford, Connecticut, 06103 Map
Phone: (860) 549-5118[FENG]
Price: Casual dining
Tasty gauge: 7.8
Service rating: 9.1/10
Environment rating: 9.1/10

Treat before dinner

Thanks to Hilton Hartford, I got some surprises at the Manager's reception tonighit, and that is Basiron Pesto. Basiron Pesto is a grass-coloured Dutch Gouda with added Pesto which gives it a deep green colour. It was definitely good stuff. I also had the Harpoon IPA on tap with it, which is quite a treat after a long work day.



The best way to start a night

沒有什麼比 uni shooter 更加好。這裡的 uni shooter 調味有一點酸﹐台長略厭酒味不足﹐但還算是蠻不錯的。之後台長點了 Kumamoto oysters﹐還可以﹐不算很新鮮。不竟這裡是 Hartford﹐找到日本菜已經算走運了。


主菜先來一個 Edamame soup, cream based with chopped garlic and edamame。 跟上是台長慣常愛吃的 sushi。 這一來就確實分出高下。 蛋有點過冷﹐蝦不夠大﹐魚也不夠新鮮。沒辦法﹐這不是多日本人聚居的地方。

生日快樂. [+]

Monday, November 1, 2010


Type: Toys 邊食邊玩



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mooncake on AC flights?




Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black Asahi coming to Guu

Post Reference: Guu Izakaya 居酒屋

Asahi Premium 黑生

之前介紹過的Guu Izakaya﹐最近來了期待已久的 Asahi Premium 黑生。侍應拿來的時候還有台長最愛的小杯子。一瓶才不過七塊錢﹐台長一口氣喝了兩瓶﹐滿足。順帶一提﹐此外﹐他們的清酒選擇也添了不少新貨﹐菜單也有每月不同的特選。

Ka Ya Korean BBQ

Type: Korean
Address: 4710 Reed Road, Columbus, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 326-2551
Hours: Mon-Thurs [11am-10pm], Fri-Sat [11am-10:30pm], Sun [11am-10pm]

除了 Asahi Premium 黑生﹐最近還有好喝的。那天晚上跟了韓籍同事去 Ka Ya 喝酒﹐他點了 Mak Koli 米酒 和 yook hwe 作小吃。韓籍老闆送來大碗子﹐說是傳統喝酒的器皿﹐豪氣十足。


Monday, August 9, 2010

Dublin: Sushi Bistro Masa

Type: Japanese
Address: 6395 Perimeter Drive, Dublin, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 336-8855
Hours: Mon-Sat [11:30am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:00pm] Sun [5:00pm-9:00pm]
Price: ~20-40 USD
Tasty gauge: 7.7/10
Service rating: 7.9/10 [Service is exceptional when the restaurant is quiet, but a very long wait on a busy day, only two servers available]
Environment rating: 7.9/10


來了Dublin半年﹐一直很想找好吃的日本菜﹐找過好多間高價的﹐每次都期待會找到點好吃的﹐結果都是失望而回。經過半年的努力﹐今天我們終於來到 Sushi Bistro Masa.

走進日本餐店﹐沒有什麼比見到滿店的日本人更高興。除此之外﹐就是看到專為日本食家而設的日文餐牌。在Dublin這個地方﹐日本餐店多﹐但魚生常常欠奉。反觀Masa﹐它有單點的sushi/sashimi menu﹐拉麵有跟nigiri的﹐甚至有壽司魚生船﹐拼盤之類。


Masa有不錯的清酒selection, 有冷的﹐也有熱的。要小心不是全部都是日本製的﹐有些是美國本地製。點酒前別忘請侍應先把酒瓶拿來看過清楚。只是﹐這裡沒有台長愛喝 Kahachi 也有賣的 fish fin sake, 台長只好點了小瓶的熱長兵衛。


Masa有串燒﹐但不是爐端燒﹐沒有明火。台長點了 negima 和 mirugai ($2 each), 好吃。前菜另點 seafood cucumber sunomono salad ($7) 和 grilled beef marinated in miso ($6), sunomono 的青瓜很好﹐不會太酸還有新鮮的青瓜味道。Grilled beef 則有點過火﹐有燒焦味而且有點乾。


朋友點了彩虹卷﹐台長則點了必吃的蛋﹑甜蝦﹑魚子﹑海膽﹑和尤魚壽司。以 Dublin 來說﹐除了Sushi Time 的藍蝦和 Kahachi over-priced 的拼盤﹐這裡的魚生應該是最好的了。點甜蝦壽司﹐你可以選擇蝦頭要跟miso soup煮還是要炸吃﹐台長要了 miso soup。最後貪吃還點了 chirashi﹐才不過 $15.95。


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grandview: Vino Vino Wine Bar

Type: Tapas
Address: 1371 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 481-8200
Hours: Mon-Fri 5pm+
Price: ~20-45 USD
Tasty gauge: 7.8/10
Service rating: 8.0/10
Environment rating: 8.2/10

Project Magic

意外地因工作來到Dublin暫居的台長﹐在偶然的機會下跟友人談起了舊同學﹐竟發現原來同學多年前來到Dublin定居。就這樣﹐兩個十七年沒見面的朋友﹐就在Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant再度重遇了。十七年﹐樣子沒變﹐人沒變﹐習慣沒變﹐就連高度差距也沒變。談的話題很多﹐就像十七年來沒停頓過聯絡一樣。不竟這麼多年了﹐談得來便談﹐談不來也沒什麼好掩飾的﹐反而暢所慾言﹐無甚忌諱。

Vino Vino

同學剛好這星期放假﹐便相約好星期三再見面。我們來到Grandview的Vino Vino竟然相當客滿﹐幸好地道的她早已預訂了桌子。小小的店﹐氣氛很好。坐坐談談﹐樂此不疲。

Stauf's Coffee Roasters


部落格. [+]

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Columbus: Marcella’s Ristorante / Pizzeria / Wine Bar

Type: Italian
Address: 615 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 223-2100
Hours: 4pm-10pm [Sun.-Thurs], 4pm-12am [Fri-Sat]
Price: ~25-40 USD
Tasty gauge: 8.5/10
Service rating: 8.4/10
Environment rating: 8.2/10


Marcella's is a little place that reminds you of Milan. Classic wooden fans on the ceiling, red retro looking sofas, a very modern bar, with an open-sided street facing half patio, just the right mix for a relaxing casual ristorante and wine bar. You can almost always find a spot in the restaurant that you'll like.

The very Italian menu

The minute you saw the menu you can almost immediately tell that you are at the right place. Selections of cured meats, olives, cheeses, and small plates, it just can't be wrong.

Bread and dip

Not sure if the bread is made here but it definitely feels very fresh. The thin layer of fluffy flour on the surface of the bread also made it very authentic.

Beer and Sangria

One thing about our team is, we almost always start our night with drinks. Seeing the rarely available white sangria ($24), we ordered a litre of that to start with. Good thing about it is that it didn't come with any soda, but just wine, juice and fruits. It did taste a little sweeter than what everyone was expecting, so we decided to go with red sangria ($24) the second time around. The red one tasted just like cough syrup. We checked and all that's there was apples and oranges, not sure what's giving off that cough syrup taste. And I'm not saying it's bad. It was actually pretty good, except that, yes, it tasted just like cough syrup. Hehe.

Cured meats and carpaccio

I almost never miss trying out a plate of carpaccio wherever I go. I probably have picked that habit up from K. Carpaccio here is served with a bed of shaved celery and two little warm ricotta pancakes ($7). They are all good, especially the pancakes. The beef is sliced right, not salty at all with a very rich meat taste. It probably didn't carry the best looks of carpaccio but fantastic otherwise.

For cured meats ($4 each) we tried bresaola, air dried highly seasoned beef, and capicola, air dried seasoned pork shoulder ham. They are decent, comes with a little dish of sauteed onions.

Features, specialties, and pizza

My Italian friends have told me that ordering a meatball dish is the best way to find out whether an Italian ristorante is any good and I have to agree with that. Spaghetti & meatball (with tomato marinara, and fresh grated parmesan $11.95) here comes with a single huge meatballs sitting right on top of a handful of spaghetti. The meatball isn't dry at all, instead, it's very soft and tender yet not fluffy. I would say it's better than those you can find in La Scala which is also in town. I ordered linguine & clams (linguine, littleneck clams, evoo, parmesan, and pancetta $14.95) for myself. I would say the clams are a little smaller than expected but the pasta was very good. Not too soft, not stuffy, cooked just right. Kerry tried the Pepperoni pizza (pepperoni, red Onion, provolone $13). He didn't say much but seems pretty happy with it, so my guess is, it's alright.

Dessert / B-day gelato

Then there came the b-day surprise! See what 6 dollars can get you here? Profiteroles (pistachio, chocolate & honey vanilla gelato, warm chocolate ganache) came with a little candle on top : ) It was absolutely fabulous! Chocolate was warm and it mixes incredibly well with the ice-cold gelato. My co-workers also picked up the bill and asked me to claim the per diem for a b-day gift LoL Thanks Kerry, Sanujit, and Dorothy.

B-Day drinks

We ended our night hitting the Elevator before heading back to the hotel. The Elevator is a very retro looking pub with stained glass all around, looking just like a renaissance church. It was actually converted into a pub from an old theater. I'll save that for another blog entry. Meanwhile, feel free to check out their website at

超人不會飛. [+]

Monday, May 31, 2010

Dublin: Jeni's Ice Cream

Type: Desserts
Address: 1 W. Bridge St., Dublin, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 792-5364
Hours: [Apr–Sep] 11am-11pm [Oct–Mar] 12pm-10pm (Sun-Thu) 11pm (Fri-Sat)
Price: ~5 USD
Tasty gauge: 9.8/10
Service rating: 9.8/10
Environment rating: 7.8/10


Getting to know random people on the flights sometimes does bring good things. Jeni's ice cream, which was once featured on the New York Times, was brought to our attention by Lisa Marie Miller who works at the local Dispatch. Having heard how wonderful it is, me and my co-worker Dorothy decided to journey down this famous place after work last week.

Flavors that bloom

It's called flavors that bloom because Jeni's ice cream serves homemade handcrafted seasonal flavors. Jeni takes ingredients freshly found in the Ohio countryside according to the season and mixes them with responsibly-raised exotics from around the world. Jeni's ice cream are known to be less sweet and more flavorful, which both me and Dorothy has proven it true.

We ordered two studies ($4.75 USD) which consist of three tasting scoops each. The flavors we tried out were: Thai chili, Mackenzie creamery goat cheese with roasted red cherries, riesling poached pear, wildberry lavender, rhubarb rosé, mango lassi. And frankly speaking, the flavors were all so good that we had a very hard time trying to rank them. The closest conclusion we could come to was probably a 6 for mango lassi, and then 1s for all the other flavors. My personal favorite was the riesling poached pear. It really pretty much taste just like a real pear, very refreshing and cool. The first bite of the Thai chili came down with a very peanut like flavor, then the spices came around slowly. The rhubarb rosé was very interesting too, you can actually taste the rosé first and then the wine flavor came a ted later. The flavor of goat cheese in the Mackenzie creamery goat cheese with roasted red cherries absolutely stood out. It felt very different from having a bite of cheese cake in the way that it didn't feel stuffy at all. Last but not least was the wildberry lavender which flavors were once again all separated in very distinguishable layers. It almost felt like science to me, that the layers would just kick into your taste buds by a carefully timed sequence.

Sundaes and Macaroons

Other than that, Jeni's also serves sundaes and macaroons. They look big, don't they?

To summarize, Jeni's Ice Cream is definitely a must-try if you happen to be traveling around Ohio. To make things even better, Jeni's do ship out to almost all US states. Check under 'Buy Now' on their website for shipping rates.

說了再見.才發現再也見不到. [+]

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where's Waldo?

Golf and Guinness

Sorry for not being able to update the blog for the past month. So where's Waldo? Waldo is buried somewhere deep in Dublin. How deep? Check that reflection of the golf course on my glass of Guinness after work. Sunshine and patio. Yeah man, now we're talking.

Brewed in Dublin, but not the same Dublin. Yet, no complains!

She's always a woman - Billy Joel. [+]

Monday, March 29, 2010

Embrujo Flamenco Tapas Restaurant

Type: Tapas
Address: 97 Danforth Avenue (E. of Broadview) Map
Phone: (416) 778-0007
Hours: Open daily @ 5pm
Price: Feeling generous
Tasty gauge: 7.6(other days of the week)/10
Service rating: 7.9/10
Environment rating: 8.1/10
Menus: View

Drink of the day

We had one lady on the table tonight who absolutely falls for Sangria, so Sangria it is for the night. They served it in a nice little clay pot with lots of fresh apple and pear cubes with it.

To start off the meal, we ordered Chirozo con brandy ($9.95), authentic home made Spanish chorizo sausage sautéed in brandy. We also had some hummus served along with olives and bread.


The interesting thing about Embrujo Flamenco is that, some of the dishes are absolutely amazing while others are an unacceptable piece of crap for the price they are offering. The first dish you see on the left is Pato con peras ($10.95), duck confit with pears and its value truly surpasses its cost. The quality of the meat, taste, sauce, and the pear that goes with it makes it an excellent dish overall. However, when we moved on to the Puntillas en salsa de mostaza ($9.95), grilled black angus sirloin on a bed of home cut fries topped with
a light mustard sauce, and the Pechuga de pollo al Jerez ($8.95) sautéed chicken breast in Spanish sherry, they were unfortunately very disappointing. The sirloin were very 'chewy' if I have to find a word for it, and both the chicken and the sirloin carried very little taste.


Given the disappointments, we still finished our meal with desserts. We ordered caramel custard and mango sorbet with fresh strawberries. Both of them were okay, tho' I cannot say they were overly enlightening.

To summarize, Embrujo Flamenco did carried some amazing foods, but you'll need to know which are the right ones to order, because as a matter of fact, they also served some dishes that were just not up to the value.

不倒.翁. [+]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ohio: Tucci's Wood-Fired Bistro

Type: American [Californian]
Address: 35 North High St., Dublin, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 792-3466
Bar: Mon-Sat: 4pm-close, Early dinner special: 4pm-close, Regular hours: Mon-Thur: 5pm-10pm, Fri-Sat: 5pm-11pm, Sun: Closed

Price: Casual dining
Tasty gauge: 2.1(Mondays chef)-8.4(other days of the week)/10
Service rating: 8.5/10
Environment rating: 8.5/10
Menus: Lunch, Dinner

Wine of the day

Tonight's pick is Lander-Jenkins 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, and for this price, I have to say it's a fantastic wine. Like it says on the web, 'Full-bodied and well-structured with flavors of ripe Bing cherry, black currant, crème brulée, firm but integrated tannins leading to a long lingering finish.' Every single word in that sentence is true. A list of all the awards this wine has received can be found here,


我們點了 Brie in Phyllo ($8), baked and wrapped in prosciutto, garnished with rosemary honey and hazelnuts 和 Beef carpaccio ($10), shaved manchego cheese, crisp capers, balsamic greens and gaufrette potatoes. Brie in Phyllo 是相當好吃﹐應該是台長吃過最好吃的。 脆皮鬆化﹐芝士香而不膩。我本來只想吃一小塊﹐怕吃不下主菜。同事堅持給我切一大塊﹐說很好很好吃。唔﹐好吧﹐結果﹐真的啊﹐很好吃﹐一點滯口的感覺也沒有。再看看 Beef carpaccio﹐唔﹐很好看吧? 大概也很好吃? 哈哈﹐你被騙了。這應該是台長平生吃過最難吃的 Beef carpaccio﹐從肉質厚薄味道到醬料都是錯的。僅留的2.1分由沙拉和薄片芝士所得。那麼薄的肉可以這麼鹹﹐真的很嚇人。


主菜牛魔王台長點了 Porcini filet mignon ($25), complemented by a hearty mushroom risotto and asparagus. served with red onion marmalade and a gorgonzola and cabernet demi. 同事則點了 Chorizo crusted grouper ($23), spicy pan-fried grouper served crispy with goat cheese potato cakes, wilted baby spinach
and a tomato-scallion emulsion. 重點是﹐其實台長是第二次在這裡吃 filet mignon﹐同事也是第二次在這裡吃 grouper. 第一次﹐星期四晚上﹐什麼都很好吃﹐色香味俱全。之後再來﹐星期三晚上﹐也很好吃﹐色香味俱全。話傳開了﹐就大家都很喜歡來﹐畢竟上路就是要找飯吃。今天晚上﹐我們卻是第一次星期一來﹐因為本來想要去的另外兩間餐店都關門。一行六人﹐大家都很詫異地感到很難吃。細問之下﹐原來是 Monday chef。Service 也沒平日的好。唔。。。Dublin 星期一原來真的是死城﹐找飯吃也難。

讓. [+]

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ohio: j.liu restaurant & bar

Type: [Fusion] Italian, American, Chinese, Thai
Address: 50 W. Bridge Street, Dublin, Ohio Map
Phone: (614) 718-1818
Hours: Mon-Thu, Sun 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-110pm, happy hour Mon-Fri 4pm-7pm ($1 off all drinks and appetizers in the bar), Sunday brunch, every Sun 11am-2pm
Price: Casual dining
Tasty gauge: 8.4/10
Service rating: 8.5/10
Environment rating: 8.4/10

奇怪的 fusion 餐廳

j.liu 的 menu 劈頭有三大個 section, American, Asian Fare, Italian. 台長禁不住轉頭問身邊的同事, 'Hm, so is that one chef or three chefs?'

Soups and appetizers

同事點了 lobster bisque 和 calamari﹐ 還可以啦。 來 j.liu 必吃的反而是沾麵包的 bread dip﹐ olive oil mixed with sun-dried tomatoes and seven spices, it's surprisingly delicious. 可以外買﹐ 15$ 一瓶。

Filet Oscar

台長是晚點了 Filet Oscar﹐ 100% natural center cut accompanied by balsamic-grilled asparagus, Asiago potato cakes and veal demi-glaze. 台長要一貫的 show me the pan﹐生熟度很滿意﹐証明他們的肉夠新鮮。肉質很好﹐蟹肉忌廉干邑醬汁稍稍有點鹹﹐有蟹味卻但不算很香。不算是做得頂好的 Filet Oscar﹐但可以接受﹐算中上貨。

If your plate is screwed, that's your problem, don't touch mine. [+]

Saturday, March 13, 2010

有貨到: 紅蟳 @ Warden T&T [大統華]

Type: Home kitchen 鵪鶉煮飯

如果你鐘意食蟹又識煮飯﹐o甘你就有口福喇﹐因為 Warden T&T o黎o左一箱紅蟳! $13.99/lb.

紅蟳到底係乜東東? 紅蟳是梭子蟹科中體型最大、成長最快的一種。特點是羔多味濃﹐肉質鮮美﹐尤其係有身孕的紅蟳,屬於珍貴的特級海鮮。

有這麼一類人. [+]

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ematei 繪馬亭

Ematei 繪馬亭
Type: Japanese
Address: 30 St. Patrick Street (N. of Queen Street W.) Map
Phone: (416) 340-0472
Hours: 11:45am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm weekdays, 5:30pm-10:30pm Saturdays, 5:30pm-10pm Sundays
Payment: Cash, debit, credit
Price: Between casual dining and feeling generous [$4-$8.5/dish, usually about $20-30/person]
Tasty gauge: 7.6/10
Service rating: 8.6/10
Environment rating: 8.2/10 [至少唔洗排隊]







串燒($1.5 each)




汁煮墨魚 taco nikomi ($5.50)﹑燒魚塊

Taco nikomi 是來繪馬亭必吃之物﹐只要你不怕辣。很香很香的甜辣汁底﹐混著濃濃的魷魚和蘿蔔汁﹐加進了蒟蒻小塊﹐好吃程度足有9.5分﹐是下酒佳物!

三文魚子泡飯 Ikura cha($7.5)




Back on the road. [+]